Follow along as we rebuild and return to normal after losing our home in a fire

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Right now, we have lots of gift cards to buy necesities as they come up.  Friends and family near and far were so generous to us after the fire.  The outpouring of support has been one of the most amazing things in this whole debacle.  Since we have the essentials for life right now, I'm hoping to hold on to most of them until the time comes to start furnishing our new (again) home.  And since, coupled with that, I'm hoping not to buy a lot of stuff for the rental, I'm hoping to be able to save quite a bit this year.

There's a savings plan I've seen for a couple of years now where you save $1 the first week of the year and increase that by a dollar each week so that the last week of the year you save $52, for a total of almost $1400 over the course of the year.  The problem with that for me is that you start out saving almost nothing each week and end up with big dents by the end of the year.

My plan is to save the same amount by readjust the numbers so that we're saving roughly the same amount every two weeks (my pay periods).  Of course, this will be in addition to my regular savings.  It will go to bulk up our emergency fund.  Any additional found money that comes in will be saved in addition to this savings plan.

So here's what it looks like for me...

I get paid every other Friday so each Friday, I will transfer the specified amount into my regular savings account.  I'm looking forward to watching it grow!

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