Follow along as we rebuild and return to normal after losing our home in a fire

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


I have been majorly stressed and on edge lately for a variety of reasons.  I know something needs to change for me to improve things for all of us because it's not fair for the girls to have to tolerate my bad moods.  I'm going to try to start walking again.

When we moved back into our home, my parents gave me their treadmill since my dad can't use it anymore.  I used it for a bit right after we moved in and then life got in the way.  I've decided that I really need to figure out a way to make time for it if I want to maintain any sense of sanity.

Life is not quite normal these last two weeks because my parents have been out of town.  As a result, I've left work earlier two days a week and we've been home much earlier since we're not eating at my parents' house.  I like getting home earlier but I'm not so thrilled about not being fed and having to cook myself.  Fortunately, I have the help of the big girl and I do a lot on Sunday to prepare for the week and minimize cooking time on week nights.

Anyway, last night while the girls were eating after tutoring, I came and walked for 30 minutes.  Also, last night, I charge up my fitbit and put it back on my arm.  Today, I walked again for 30 minutes and then, after dinner, we all took the dogs for a walk.  (Romeo needs to be worn out so we can all sleep.)  So far today I've walked 7,907 steps.  I may get a few more but my day is essentially over at this point.

Still, I've felt much calmer this afternoon.  I'm trying to implement a couple of other things to help with the stress - mostly things I'm learning in a series of parenting classes I'm taking - and the little girl and I talked about it this afternoon.  Of course, right now it's all new and fun to practice but hopefully that practice will carry over into the time when it's not so new and fun.

I know I won't have time to walk in the afternoon since we're going to get my parents at the airport after work but I am going to try to walk at lunch.  It's so nice here right now, I think I can just take my tennis shoes and get outside without getting too sweaty and stinky.

We'll see how it keeps going!

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